So, we made a decision about how to get the bookcase into the house -- take out the back door frame, haul in the bookcase and then repair the door...
We lucked up and found that the worker who framed our house was doing a roofing job a street over from us. Charles stopped by and talked to him earlier in the week and brought him by the house to show him exactly what we needed. He measured the back door and the bookcase and told us our plan should work and that he and his son could come by Saturday morning.
Yesterday, we were up bright and early, and the guy and his son showed up right on time -- 8:00 a.m. sharp. Before they arrived, we cleared everything off of the back patio to allow them plenty of work room.
After measuring again, they began to work. After quite a while, the back door and frame were down...

As the son was finishing up the project, the father left to get 2 more workers to come by to help them move in the bookcase. I was nervous throughout the whole project just hoping that everything would work out as we planned, but when the other workers came, I became even more nervous -- it was the moment of truth, and if this plan didn't work, I didn't know what we would do.
So, Charles went out, they flipped the bookcase on its side, and all five guys carried it around to the fence gate. Once they got it to the gate, of course, they had to stand it back up in order to fit it through the gate. Thankfully, the guys were pretty resourceful and pulled some thick ropes out of their truck. They put the ropes underneath the bookcase at the both ends and then lifted up the ropes to haul the bookcase through the gate. Once they got it through the gate, they were moving pretty swiftly (trying to get this job over with) and just kept right on coming up to the patio. All of I sudden I hear Charles yell out "Watch the fan!" Thankfully, they listened and lowered the bookcase under the fan - although Charles maintains that it was almost a
So, the bookcase is now at the backdoor. The front two guys lifted up the front and made it into the house where a quilt was waiting to help slide it across the floor. After a little more lifting and pushing, the whole bookcase was finally in the house! Of course, the quilt wasn't long enough for the whole bookcase to fit on, so I ran to get the furniture sliders to put under the bookcase. As two guys lifted up one end of the bookcase, we slid the sliders under it, and after we repeated the process on the other end, we slid the bookcase to it home...

What a relief, it worked!! And let me just say that the sliders worked wonderfully! I was actually able to slide the bookcase down a few inches on the wall all by myself with the sliders under it.
After a water break, the other workers left, and the work on repairing the back door began...
By this point Charles and I were so relieved!! We collapsed on the couch and just took a minute to look at the bookcase in its new home. Looking around, Charles commented that it looked - and felt - like we were just moving in...
This was so true. We had removed the majority of furniture and decorations from the living room so it was back to pretty much an empty space...
While our dining room and kitchen were packed with everything from the living room...

It took until early afternoon for the workers to finally finish. It, of course, took us a little more time to get the rug and furniture back into the living room. I am still working on the decorating. I have the tables back in order but am taking my time with the bookcase -- my birthday is coming up, and I've told Charles that a few pieces of Peter's pottery in white would look really good on the new bookcase!!