I think it is just too cute!! I hope to remember to take my totes with me on my other shopping trips too so that I can cut out the department store plastic bags making their way into our home.
Of course, we have been composting for a while. We actually have compost and worms in our old compost bin and not just "greens" and "browns!" I was really excited when I saw the transformation and think that we will do even better with our composting this year since we have our new composter up and running.
The compost is just what we needed because we have planted new trees and bushes in our yard and plan to plant even more this fall.
Even Toula got into the green spirit by reusing the composter box as a new playhouse. She had to check it out first...but after checking it out from all angles...
is having a good time with it.
Hope you are all having a great Earth Day and finding ways to live green!