Toula had been running around the living room earlier. During that time Charles went to the back and when he came back said that Toula must be under the couch. Well, after hearing that strange noise, we thought we better check to make sure that Toula was indeed under the couch.
I checked, and ... no Toula. Charles went to the back to check and said that Toula was not back there. He said she must be under the couch. Even though I had gotten on the floor and lifted the couch skirt to make sure she wasn't there, Charles had to get on the floor and do the same thing to double check. Well, after he double checked, he confirmed that Toula was definitely NOT under the couch...
After quickly checking under all the furniture in the living room and dining room and calling her for a treat which she did not respond to, I said that she must be in the back. Charles said that there was no way because Toula does not like the hardwood and he had not heard her paws clicking on it while he was in the back. I quickly checked the guest bathroom and, thankfully, Toula was not there. So, that door got shut really quickly!
From the noise we heard, I was scared that Toula was in the laundry area, so while I was checking it, Charles was checking the guest room. All of a sudden, I heard Charles say, "Here she is." So, I go in the guest room and find Charles on the floor looking under the side of the bed. I got on the floor and looked under the end of the bed, and sure enough, there was Toula looking at me. She looked for just a second and then hopped to the other side of the bed. She kept hopping right out of our reach.
So, it was time to bring out the broom - which she hates. I slid it under the bed and out she hopped to the door. I saw her at the door and told Charles she was out. Then I noticed...the computer room door was wide open. As soon as the words got out of my mouth to Charles that that door was open, Toula hopped right in it. We both took off after her.
I closed the guest room door after us and when we got to the computer room, Toula was sitting near the bookcase just looking at us. Charles headed toward her, and she hopped around the bookcase and under the computer desk. Charles said that he had trapped her, but Toula managed to squeeze under the desk and hop out the other side. So Charles is now using his feet to block her path, and I am using my feet and the broom. Toula takes a look around and figures her best bet is to head on out of the room. She quickly hops out and heads toward the guest room. Then her head pops up as she realizes that the door is now closed. We managed to keep her path to the computer room blocked, so she took off hopping back to the living room to under the couch...she was so cute because she was hopping so fast that her paws were slipping on the wood floors! She shot under the couch and kept right on hopping right back to her home. Once she got there, she just flopped down!
Even though she knows that she is not supposed to go back there, it was really hard to stay mad at Toula because she was so cute and so funny throughout her whole adventure! She was really brave to hop across all that wood flooring - she doesn't even like hopping from her home to the living room unless we put a blanket down for her to hop on. And the way she kept evading capture makes us laugh - at least it does now that we are looking back on it! To bad the whole adventure wasn't captured on video. I'm sure that Charles and I looked real funny throughout Toula's adventure!
Toula had quite an adventure this morning, and she is still resting from it!!