Thursday, January 12, 2012

Snow flurries 01-12-12

As I walked to my car for lunch today, I noticed a little white blip fly past me. The weathermen said that we might get a few flurries today, so I perked up and was on the lookout. On the drive home, I realized that I had seen a snow flurry! They were coming down just a bit - fine and sporadic enough that they really didn't show up on this picture... As I was fixing my lunch, I kept looking out the back door to check on the snow and noticed that it was coming down just a bit more...

All the time I was eating my panini, I was keeping a watch and had to get up a few times to take pictures!

Then, I looked up and it had really picked up...

the flurries were coming down a little faster and were a little bigger! I squealed to Toula, but she wasn't nearly as excited as I was!!

The wind started whipping the flurries just a bit and they looked so pretty swirling around!

It was so exciting to see the first snow flurries of this year!

After I got back to the office, I looked out the window and even bigger flakes were swirling. It looked just like being in a snow globe - so pretty! I hate that I didn't get a picture of that!

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