Sunday, October 28, 2007

Friday Night Football

The weather has been cooler, but with the cooler temperatures came rain and drizzle all week. While I have enjoyed the cooler weather (sweater weather, finally!), that combined with the rain has made everyone sick. Thankfully, the rains have moved out.
Even though it was still misty, Charles and I traveled to Southaven to catch Friday night's South Panola matchup. The mist ceased after pre-game warm-ups; that left perfect football weather for the game.
As you can see, Southaven didn't enjoy the greatest of turn-outs; there seemed to be many more SP fans in attendance. South Panola won, but Southaven played a pretty good game.
Charles and I left the game early and stopped by Starbucks for a peppermint hot chocolate (another reason to love cool weather!!).

Saturday was another good day in the Willoughby house when it comes to football -- Mississippi State won another SEC upset. GO DAWGS!!

Now, if only our fantasy teams will follow suit...

Yesterday afternoon, Charles and I decided to enjoy an early movie and dinner. We saw Dan in Real Life. I had read good reviews and must say that I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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