Sunday, February 3, 2008

We went to Jackson...

Charles and I headed to Jackson for a quick visit. We stayed with Matt and LeAnna (we got to see their sunroom, deck and new hardwood floors - courtesy of a dishwasher flood - and it all looked great!!) and got in a little Patrick time which was lots of fun! Uncle Chuck and Aunt Mae Mae checked out "heros" with Partick - his favorite cartoon these days... Then Partick showed off his LSU Championship shirt to Uncle Chuck...
And then, we got to see first hand, Patrick's newest obsession - blue painter's tape...
It was too funny and so cute to hear him say "tape," "tape!"
We had a great time catching up with Matt, LeAnna and Patrick!

We also had a good visit with Charles' dad.

We then met his mom who treated us to our favorite Japanese steakhouse, Bonsai. We had a delicious meal and a really good visit.

We then came back to Hernando so that we could watch the Super Bowl with Matt, Mary Ann and Nathan, but unfortunately, I have to tap out of that fun (I sure am going to miss holding Nathan and catching up with Matt and Mary Ann)...
I decided that we should repaint Charles' dresser and for some reason thought that this activity could not wait. Well, as I was bringing it in the house from the garage so that I could paint it in the backyard, my ankle caught on the step into the garage...I heard a tear and then found myself laid out on the garage floor. Thankfully, nothing is broken (and I moving on to find the humor and absurdity in the situation) but I do have what looks like a softball on my outside right ankle. So, now I am still on IR and RICEing it...

1 comment:

Matt said...

Sorry to hear about your ankle Megan. Patrick has lots of tape for you if you need to rig up a bandage ;)
We had a great time visiting with y'all, but it was too short! We need to come up there sometime.
Hope your ankle gets better soon. It's a good time to make Charles wait on you hand and foot :-)