Thursday, May 1, 2008

Blustery Winds

I thought that it was April which was supposed to have the lion-like blustery winds. However, we've been getting them here for the past couple of days. This type of weather makes me want to go buy a kite to fly, but with the gusty winds we have been having lately, we would probably have a hard time keeping its line untangled.
Yesterday, we came home to find newspaper strewn all over our back yard. The winds had gusted so forcefully yesterday that the landscaping cloth had torn where some of the pins were placed and was blowing back allowing all the newspaper to blow about. So after dinner we spent our evening out buying new pins, stuffing newspapers back in place and re-securing the cloth with LOTS of pins. We had more gusting winds today, so I guess we did a good job last night - when I got home, I peeked in the back yard and thankfully no newspapers were scattered about.

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